How to contribute

For questions, suggestions and support, please contact Zoran Sevarac at [email protected].


Report issues and suggest features and improvements on the GitHub issue tracker.

If you want to file a bug, please clone this repo and provide sufficient details to reproduce the issue. By starting fresh, with the latest code, we can ensure that the problem at hand isn't already fixed.


Patches in any form are always welcome!

To help the development of this project you should:

  1. Fork the repository. By doing this, you will create your own copy of the project, in your own repository.
  2. Next thing to do is to clone your repository onto your local machine. By cloning the repository, you are downloading the source code from the remote repository to local repository on your computer.
  3. Now, you can import your project into NetBeans IDE. Build the project, make your changes to the source code.
  4. When you finish your changes, it is time to submit a pull request. By submitting the pull request, you are sending your version of code to the remote repository, where owner will make a code revision. If your code is accepted, your code will be merged into remote repository, and you will be listed as one of the contributors.

Before submitting a patch or a pull request make sure that you are using the latest code.

If your pull request is accepted, you will be listed as one of the contributors, and your name will be written in the Credits section.

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